On that day
"...this documentary traces the historical timeline and aftermath of an unintelligible revenge rampage triggered by an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) in 2005, planted by Iraqi insurgents and successfully ending one occupants life. With access to the bulk of audiovisual evidence and testaments used in an inescapable but to some degree predetermined trial, the study of one massacre becomes the awful truth of a nation..." -- TimeOut Critic's Choice Review
"Barney Broomfield and Marc Hoeferlin have created a bold, plain-speaking and damning film weaving together the stories of the two Iraqis responsible for exposing the massacre, the testimonies of some of the marines responsible and details of the subsequent military investigation, which concluded that none of those involved would be charged with murder." -- The Telegraph
- Director: Barney Broomfield, Marc Hoeferlin
- Narration: Marc Hoeferlin
- Cinematographer: Barney Broomfield, Mark Wolf
- Editor: Barney Broomfield
- Music: William Morris
- Exec Prod Channel 4: Peter Dale